Habitats for the future
Our ecological restoration and coordinated management activities are helping to deliver resilient, self-sustaining ecosystems and essential habitat for native wildlife.
The Turner Family Foundation has undertaken work with the Queensland Herbarium to map current and preclearing Regional Ecosystems at a 1:25000 scale across our nature refuges. This data informs our sustainable property management approach.
The Spicers Peak Nature Refuge protects 10 regional ecosystems, five of which are endangered or ‘of concern’. Eucalyptus open forest and woodlands make up the dominant plant communities with grass and woody plant understory. There are ironbarks, stringybarks, bloodwood barks and box barks. Eucalyptus tereticornis is among the dominant species.
The Old Hidden Vale Nature Refuge and wider Hidden Vale property includes several distinct Regional Ecosystems. Some are considered `Of Concern’ due to historical clearing and other threats. These include Narrow leaved ironbark (RE 12.8.16), and Queensland blue gum (RE 12.3.7).